Whistleblower: Military Officials Investigating COVID Cabal Assassinated in DC Air Collision

In the heart of Washington D.C., a catastrophic air collision between a military Black Hawk helicopter and a commercial airliner sent shockwaves around the world. The mainstream media rushed to label it a tragic accident, but as the investigation unfolds, mounting evidence is revealing a far more sinister truth.

In the heart of Washington D.C., a catastrophic air collision between a military Black Hawk helicopter and a commercial airliner sent shockwaves around the world. The mainstream media rushed to label it a tragic accident, but as the investigation unfolds, mounting evidence is revealing a far more sinister truth.

Eyewitness accounts, conflicting reports, and strange actions by key players point to a clear conclusion: this was a carefully orchestrated strike. A targeted operation designed to eliminate a powerful figure on the verge of exposing dangerous secrets—secrets the deep state would stop at nothing to keep buried.

Now, military whistleblowers have come forward, confirming what many had feared: this wasn’t an accident—it was an assassination.

Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, follow me on X, and join the People’s Voice Locals community to be part of our incredible team.

Last week, the northern Florida Gulf Coast got slammed with seven inches of snow. Today? It’s a balmy 68 degrees. Now tell me—does that sound natural to you?

The elites aren’t even hiding it anymore. In 2025, the message from the global elite is loud and clear: expect manipulation, expect control… expect pure, unfiltered bullshit.

We warned you last year that Obama’s Netflix film Leave the World Behind was blatant predictive programming—a carefully crafted warning disguised as entertainment.

Predictive programming isn’t just about foreshadowing events; it’s about conditioning the public, normalizing chaos, and priming us to accept whatever comes next without resistance.

And now, the so-called ‘coincidences’ are piling up. One by one, the scenarios depicted in the film are creeping into reality. Was it just a thriller, or was it a message? You decide.

Consider the Philadelphia plane crash. Now, imagine thinking that everything happening in the U.S. right now is just a string of random coincidences.

Wake up—America is under attack, not from foreign adversaries, but from within. The signs are all around us, and if we keep ignoring them, we risk being swept into a reality we’re not prepared for.

The mainstream media, working on behalf of the elite, is telling us not to believe our own eyes. They are telling us the plane crashes across America are just a coincidence.

They’re gaslighting us into doubting reality, just as Orwell warned they would. It’s the same playbook—distort the truth, create confusion, and push the narrative they want us to accept. The question is, will we fall for it?

A new video has surfaced, showing another angle of the jet slamming into the Philadelphia neighborhood—like a missile targeting its mark.

This is nightmare fuel. It’s hard to wrap your head around the sheer devastation, but even harder to ignore the eerie feeling that something bigger is at play here.

Especially when you take into account everything else happening across the country—and the fact that the flight path of the Black Hawk helicopter in DC shows it appeared to be deliberately on a collision course with other aircraft before the devastating collision.

This isn’t just a coincidence; something doesn’t add up.

Especially when you add the fact that air traffic controllers warned the US Army helicopter it was on a collision course with a passenger jet before the crash, but the crew didn’t change direction.

This raises some serious questions. Why didn’t they respond to the warning? Was this just a tragic mistake, or is there something more to this than we’re being told?

Take, for example, the fact that CNN had pre-written articles about the DC crash published online before it even happened.

Now, they’re denying it, just like the BBC denied announcing the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11 before it occurred. But here’s the thing—plenty of people have receipts. The proof is out there, and they can’t hide it forever.

So what’s really going on here, and why are the mainstream media trying so hard to cover up the truth?

A big clue lies in the fact that the Black Hawk helicopter didn’t have its transponder on, and it was listed as Priority Air Transport, or ‘PAT.’

This designation means there was a high-ranking military official on board—someone the authorities are refusing to identify, and the media is desperately working to keep hidden.

This explains why the Doomsday Plane, the E-4B, was scrambled and headed straight for the area of the Black Hawk and plane crash near the Potomac River, just outside Reagan National Airport.

The E-4B is no ordinary aircraft—it’s a survivable command, control, and communications center, built for scenarios involving national emergencies or even nuclear threats.

Why was it dispatched to the crash site? What was the real nature of this event, and why are they pulling out all the stops to stage manage it?

As Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies pointed out, there are just too many coincidences for this collision to be written off as an accident. The evidence is stacking up—it was an assassination attempt.

The fact that nothing adds up, yet the media are asking us to disbelieve what we’re seeing with our own eyes—that’s the tell. This isn’t just an accident; there’s an operation in motion, and the stakes are incredibly high.

According to a military whistleblower, a high-ranking official was taken out—someone who was actively investigating key members of the COVID cabal, seeking justice for their crimes against humanity.

The global elite are wounded and cornered, and now they’re pulling out all the stops to regain control.

They’ve instructed the legacy media to work overtime, flooding the airwaves and the internet with distractions and lies to distract the public and control the narrative.

According to a military whistleblower, the truth behind the D.C. mid-air collision is far darker than most people are willing to accept.

What is being presented as a tragic accident was, in reality, a carefully orchestrated operation to silence someone who was getting too close to exposing the truth about the pandemic—and the usual suspects behind it.

The elite and their propagandists in the media are determined to keep up the charade, to maintain their grip on the narrative. But the truth is, the people are waking up.

Every day, we’re getting closer to the full disclosure of the myriad crimes we’ve been subjected to in recent years.

We’ve been the unwitting victims of the most insidious psychological assault in history. But make no mistake—the walls are closing in on them.

Soon, the truth will no longer be able to hide in the shadows, and the world will finally see what’s been happening behind closed doors.

The press corps was left speechless when it was confirmed that so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ were right all along.

Remember when simply mentioning the lab leak theory would get you banned from Facebook and Twitter?

Remember when so-called ‘fact checkers’ had the power to shadowban you just for voicing uncomfortable truths? They silenced anyone who dared to question the official narrative, but now, the truth is finally breaking through.

We’ve come a long way, but recent events show that the elite are far from finished. They’re still desperately trying to regain control, and the battle is far from over.

There’s still a long road ahead before we can truly vanquish them and hold them accountable for the crimes they’ve committed.

We are living in critical times and here at the People’s Voice we need your help to continue exposing the elite and hold them to account before its too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the channel and joining the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team. I hope to see you there.


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