TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME to become State Law in Minnesota and classified as the official mental illness of “widespread hysteria” gripping Leftists

If you thought Trump Derangement Syndrome was hate speech, you were reading the wrong news. Every day the psychological warfare comes from the Left, in the form of hate speech, violent propaganda, threats, swats, and deranged actions only psychopaths engage. That is why TDS is becoming law, not just some catchy saying to describe the brainwashed Demoncrats and Lib-nuts of America.

Democrats have no policy, no sanity, no ethics, no morals, and no ground to stand on, except … wait for it … hate Trump with all your might. In their minds, he is Hitler. In their minds, he’s someone who has abused them, imprisoned them, taken all of their rights away, ruined their lives, ruined their country, made everyone racist, made all men hate all women, made all straight people hate all gay people, and become a multi-billionaire from stealing from all the Democrats.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and about to become an official mental illness under State Law in Minnesota

Get ready for deranged Dems and lunatic Libs to spend time in the insane asylums for acting out during their fits of rage while they experience TDS, a disorder where a human being hates a politician so much that they can’t function in society anymore. Trump needs to fund some factories that make straightjackets and paddy wagons for all the TDS sufferers and turn all the NFL stadiums into nuthouses for the deranged Dems and lunatic Libs.

Minnesota Senate Republicans just introduced legislation to officially classify “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) as a mental illness under state law, and the prolific bill, spearheaded by Republican Senators Eric Lucero, Steve Drazkowski, Walter Hudson, Justin Eichorn, and Glenn Gruenhagen, will recognize the widespread hysteria that has gripped deranged Dems and lunatic Libs across America since Trump first announced his candidacy in 2015.

Got TDS? No problem. The FBI that once terrorized sane and innocent Conservatives across America will soon be kicking in the doors of deranged Dems and lunatic Libs across America at 3am, seizing the TDS freaks, their computers, their tranny paraphernalia, and their spray paint cans, and taking them to the psyche ward in paddy wagons. Off you go mates. Bye-bye. Under the new TDS official classification, you are labeled “insane” and unfit to function in society with the rest of us.

The proposed bill, SF 2589, introduced in the Minnesota Senate and referred to the Health and Human Services Committee, will amend existing mental health statutes to define “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as “‘acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons triggered by reactions to Donald J. Trump’s policies and presidency, characterized by symptoms such as intense verbal hostility toward Trump and potential acts of aggression against Trump supporters.”

Yes, TDS is about to become a clinically recognizable condition for all the deranged Dems and lunatic Libs. Here is some official diction from the actual Bill:

  • an organic disorder of the brain or a clinically significant disorder of thought, mood,
  • perception, orientation, memory, or behavior that is detailed in a diagnostic codes list
  • published by the commissioner, and that seriously limits a person’s capacity to function in primary aspects of daily living such as personal relations, living arrangements, work, and recreation.
  • An «adult with acute mental illness» means an adult who has a mental illness that is serious enough to require prompt intervention.
  • The adult has undergone two or more episodes of inpatient care for a mental illness within the preceding 24 months; the adult has experienced a continuous psychiatric hospitalization or residential treatment exceeding six months’ duration within the preceding 12 months

Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies, and propaganda that comes at us every day now.

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