Telegraph: ‘LGBT’ Is Finally Over…Whether The BBC Likes It Or Not

Trump LGBT

Sexuality and gender are two completely different things.

We should give credit to Donald Trump for this return to common sense

At long last, “LGBT” is on its way out. Under president Trump the US federal government has formally stopped using the term.

The Telegraph reports: The Department of State’s website, for example, now provides gay Americans with travel advice under the heading “LGB travellers”.

Not “LGBT”, or “LGBTQIA+”. Just “LGB”. Since the advice refers specifically to countries where homosexuality is illegal, saying “LGB” is only common sense.

 We may have to wait, however, for Britain’s elites to move with the times.

In our schools, pupils are currently being made to celebrate an event known as “LGBT History Month”.

A film about the alleged benefits of cross-sex hormones and chest binders (to help female teenagers look male by strapping down their breasts) will be shown to children as young as 11.

 Meanwhile, I suspect it will be quite some time yet before our national broadcaster accepts defeat, and reverts to “LGB”. Last month, in a news story on its website about the jailing of a rapist who identifies as “non-binary”, the BBC thoughtfully respected the rapist’s preferred pronouns, which are “they/them”. Apparently, “they” threatened “their” victim, a girl aged 14, with a knife.

 The day the BBC stops worrying about hurting the feelings of violent men who rape underage girls, we’ll know that sanity has finally been restored.

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