Un hombre se enfrenta a un oso polar en Canadá para proteger a su esposa

Un hombre sufrió varias heridas graves tras ser atacado por un oso polar mientras intentaba proteger a su esposa, comunicó el Servicio de Policía de Nishnaebe-Aski, provincia canadiense de Ontario. Según el comunicado, la pareja salió de su residencia la madrugada del martes en busca de sus perros, y al volver se encontraron con el oso en la … Leer más

El Ártico podría quedar sin hielo marino en verano de 2027

Un equipo de climatólogos calcula que el calentamiento global podría derretir la capa de hielo marino del Ártico en 2030, e incluso antes, en 2027, en el peor de los casos, según un estudio liderado por la Universidad de Gotemburgo (Suecia). Las simulaciones realizadas en el estudio sugieren que si se produjera una serie de fenómenos meteorológicos, no muy raros, … Leer más

EE.UU. financiará cambio de sexo a preso violador que envió bomba a una oficina gubernamental

El Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. ha respaldado una cirugía de cambio de sexo financiada por los contribuyentes para un recluso acusado de enviar una bomba por correo a la sede del organismo en Washington. Así lo informó el miércoles Headline USA. Según una nota exclusiva del medio, David Cassady, de 55 años, a quien se refiere como «un sodomizador … Leer más

UK Govt Buys Millions Of Doses Of New Bird Flu Vaccine Amid Pandemic Fears

The British Government has secured a contract for more than five million doses of the human H5 influenza vaccine, in, what they claim, is an effort to bolster the country’s defences against a potential pandemic. The jab, which is derived from the current H5 avian influenza virus, otherwise known as ‘bird flu’, will be produced … Leer más

Trump Warns Hamas To Free Hostages Before He Takes Office Or There’ll Be ‘Hell To Pay’

Donald Trump has demanded that the Palestinian militants release all of their hostages before his inauguration. The President elect, who has pressed both Israel and the Palestinian militants to end their conflict before his inauguration, warned that there would be “all hell to pay in the Middle East” if Hamas does not free its remaining … Leer más

Bill Gates Admits He Uses Children in India as Guinea Pigs for Risky Medical Experiments

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has openly acknowledged on camera that he considers India as his personal “laboratory” for unregulated medical experimentation, and its children as guinea pigs for controversial vaccine and drug trials. Gates, the unelected world health czar, has long been accused of having a “god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser … Leer más

Obama Named As First World Leader To Be Prosecuted in Diddy Pedophile Investigation

Barry Soetoro, better known by his CIA name Barack Obama, is facing a storm like never before. The man who once boasted of serving a “third term” through puppet president Joe Biden is now sweating bullets as a political scandal of epic proportions threatens to unravel his legacy—and land him behind bars for years to … Leer más

New study finds that NATURAL FACTORS cause Antarctic ice sheet to retract and EXPAND

Climate alarmism, global warming orthodoxy, and end-of-the-world climate doom continue to dominate mainstream media. For example, in 2023, Financial Times Science Editor, Clive Cookson, warned of a «catastrophic cascade of extreme environmental events» stemming from the declining ice in the Antarctic Sea, while the BBC described reduced ice levels as a «worrying new benchmark.» Global … Leer más

COVID inquiry finds Australian government lost public trust by pushing draconian pandemic restrictions

A COVID inquiry carried out by the Australian government revealed that the country’s extreme restrictions during the pandemic and their general lack of transparency about the evidence that they used to support their decisions has caused a steep decline in public trust that could have negative repercussions that carry over into the next public health … Leer más