Mike Adams Sermon 67: The second coming of Christ will be in the form of a COMET sent by God to TERMINATE EVIL on Earth

The Health Ranger Mike Adams presents a fresh perspective on apocalyptic visions in Matthew 24 and Revelation, explaining them as cosmic catastrophes caused by comets and asteroids. Adams interprets the coming of the «Son of Man» mentioned in Revelation as a massive comet sent by God to terminate evil on Earth, not Christ on a … Leer más

Smoking Gun Emails Reveal Australian Regulator Lied About ‘Catastrophic’ mRNA DNA Risks

Explosive internal emails from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), obtained via Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, reveal that the agency knew of DNA contamination risks associated with mRNA vaccines but repeatedly misled the public about this information. The emails show high-level TGA staff were aware that components of the mRNA vaccines could enter the … Leer más

La disyuntiva «fundamental» para Ucrania, según Blinken

El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Antony Blinken, declaró este jueves que Ucrania se encuentra ante una disyuntiva «fundamental» en el conflicto con Rusia: o seguir combatiendo o tratar de alcanzar la paz. «Los ucranianos tienen que tomar una decisión fundamental: seguir luchando o intentar negociar y llegar a un alto el fuego«, expresó el alto diplomático estadounidense en … Leer más

Mysterious drones: A government cover-up or is the truth just beyond reach?

 Swarms of drones have been reported over U.S. military bases, including Langley Air Force Base (2023) and RAF Lakenheath (2024), evading detection and jamming systems, raising national security concerns. The government has admitted no knowledge of the drones’ origin, with FBI Assistant Director Robert Wheeler Jr. testifying that their identity and purpose remain unknown. The … Leer más

Diplomáticos de EE.UU. llegan a Siria para hablar con los nuevos gobernantes de facto

Enviados estadounidenses llegaron a Siria para mantener conversaciones directas con los nuevos gobernantes de facto liderados por el grupo armado Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS)*. Se trata de la primera misión oficial del país norteamericano que llega a Damasco desde la caída del Gobierno del presidente Bashar al Assad, informó el viernes el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU., citado por Reuters. El … Leer más

The corrupt medical establishment and the vaccine industry doesn’t want you to see these studies, which link VACCINES to AUTISM

In recent years, the incidence of autism has skyrocketed among children, with some parents seeing a rapid decline in responsiveness, speech and cognitive abilities after their child receives a series of vaccines. The most terrifying suspect in this public health crisis is the medical establishment’s blind faith in vaccines. For years, medical professionals have repeatedly … Leer más

Detienen a un ciudadano chino en una base naval alemana por sospecha de espionaje

Un hombre de nacionalidad china fue detenido en la base naval de Kiel, al norte de Alemania. La Policía del estado de Schleswig-Holstein investiga al sujeto bajo sospecha de espionaje, informó este jueves NDR. Echan a la prensa alemana de la sala tras críticas de la ministra de Exteriores hacia China El sospechoso, que habría accedido … Leer más

Helicopters Chase Silent Glowing Orbs Across Florida Skies, Adding to Nationwide UFO Mystery

Reports of helicopters pursuing glowing orbs in the night sky have surfaced, adding to a growing wave of similar incidents across the United States and capturing the imagination of UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. The most recent sighting occurred when a Florida resident captured a brief but compelling video showing two luminous orbs being trailed … Leer más

American military contractor Kratos Defense and Security completes first test flight of stealth combat drone

Kratos Defense and Security has confirmed that it successfully completed the first flight of its Thanatos stealth UCAV. The company’s next tests will focus on the Thanatos’ integrated systems and their ability to meet mission requirements as stipulated by the Department of Defense. While not being confirmed, it is strongly suggested that the Thanatos is being … Leer más

Moderna and CDC Fast-Track Bird Flu mRNA Vaccine For Human Use After Ferret Trials

As human cases of avian influenza quietly rise—now curiously linked to outbreaks in U.S. dairy cattle—the CDC and Moderna have rushed to develop a new mRNA vaccine, raising questions about the timing and transparency behind this latest pharmaceutical push. The vaccine’s development comes amid increasing media hysteria about the creeping spread of avian influenza into … Leer más