Meta Agrees To Pay Trump $25 Million To Settle Censorship Lawsuit

Facebook’s parent company, Meta Platforms, has agreed to pay $25 million to settle a lawsuit filed by Donald Trump The settlement is in response to a lawsuit filed by Donald Trump, who accused the company of censorship after it suspended his Facebook and Instagram accounts in 2021 following the January 6, Capitol riot. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign … Leer más

Pro-Vaxx Piers Morgan Begs Public for Forgiveness: “I Was Dangerously Misinformed”

Piers Morgan has asked the public to forgive him for being “dangerously misinformed” about the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines that he “recklessly promoted” during the pandemic. In a stunning new interview with Tucker Carlson, Morgan acknowledged that he was duped by Big Pharma propaganda. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to … Leer más

Smart Cities Will Replace Digital ID’s With Facial Recognition Says AI CEO

Avathon CEO Pervinder Johar discussed his vision of “optimized” and omnipresent surveillance, during a panel at this years World Economic Form’s meeting. Avathon, which produces AI tech, including the surveillance kind, believes that in the next five to ten years there will be no need for digital ID because facial recognition “and other things” will … Leer más

Lockheed Martin’s Remote ‘MATRIX’ Blackhawk Tech Under Scrutiny Following DC Air Disaster 

The internet is ablaze with speculation following the catastrophic mid-air collision near Washington, D.C. that left 67 people dead, as reports surface regarding remote technology recently unveiled by Lockheed Martin and the sudden deployment of the Doomsday plane. On Wednesday night, an American Airlines passenger jet and a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter collided over the … Leer más

Former Obama Advisor Who Flew to UK to Rape 9-Year-Old Girl Sentenced to 11 Years in Prison

A former Obama policy advisor who flew to the UK with the intention of raping a nine-year-old child has been sentenced to eleven years and nine months in prison, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has said. Rahamim Shy, 47, traveled from New York to Bedfordshire in February last year to have sex with the girl … Leer más

Lula: «O mantenemos la democracia funcionando o tendremos Estados autoritarios más que Hitler»

El presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, exhortó este jueves a defender la democracia en el planeta antes de calificarlo como «lo más importante», no solo para su país sino para el resto de naciones. «Para mí, la democracia es lo más importante en la humanidad en este momento, no solo en Brasil. … Leer más

«El aeropuerto más complejo»: Qué pudo causar la tragedia aérea en Washington

Expertos en aviación han expresado sus opiniones sobre los factores que provocaron el trágico accidente entre un avión de pasajeros de American Airlines y un helicóptero militar en Washington D.C. David Soucie, analista de seguridad de CNN y exinvestigador de la Administración Federal de Aviación de EE.UU., comentó que la ubicación del aeropuerto nacional Ronald Reagan hace que volar allí … Leer más

Frustran un ataque terrorista contra un tren de pasajeros en Rusia (VIDEO)

Un hombre que planeaba perpetrar un atentado terrorista en un tren de pasajeros ha sido detenido en la región rusa de Stávropol, comunicó este jueves el Servicio Federal de Seguridad (FSB, por sus siglas en ruso). Según el organismo, el implicado es «un ciudadano de un Estado de Asia Central que era miembro y juró lealtad a … Leer más