Man jailed for secretly giving abortion pills to pregnant girlfriend without her consent, killing the baby

Stuart Worby, 40, was found guilty of secretly giving his pregnant partner mifepristone and misoprostol pills to induce a miscarriage without her knowledge or consent. Worby acquired the pills from a friend who secured them through a telemedicine appointment at Gynae Center, a major U.K. abortion provider, without an in-person consultation. The victim, 15 weeks pregnant … Leer más

Enfrentamientos entre bandas criminales ponen en alerta a un estado mexicano (VIDEO)

Enfrentamientos armados entre dos bandas delictivas antagónicas se han registrado en los últimos días en distintos puntos del estado mexicano de Chihuahua. El fiscal general de la entidad, César Jáuregui Moreno, confirmó este lunes a los medios locales que se reportaron varios tiroteos en los municipios de Coyame del Sotol, Guadalupe y Calvo y Madera. De … Leer más

Mitch Vexler and Mike Adams discuss PROPERTY TAX FRAUD on the Health Ranger Report

Mike Adams highlights an alarming property tax scandal affecting many counties, where authorities improperly evaluate homeowners’ properties, setting tax rates based on desired budgets rather than actual property values. Mitch Vexler, founder of Mockingbird Properties, explains that the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), designed to ensure fair property tax calculations, is ignored by … Leer más

Vaxxed Are Are Causing ‘Serious Side Effects’ in Unvaxxed, Major Study Warns

COVID-jabbed people are shedding something toxic to unvaccinated individuals that is causing dangerous side effects, according to a bombshell new study. The new study titled, Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals, published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research found that “indirect exposure to COVID-19 vaccinated persons was significantly associated with … Leer más

Cómo un visitante interestelar influyó en los planetas del sistema solar

Un grupo de investigadores de instituciones científicas de Canadá y EE.UU. encontró evidencia que sugiere que los actuales patrones de las órbitas de los planetas se originaron luego del encuentro entre un enorme objeto interestelar y nuestro sistema solar, lo que contradice las teoría modernas sobres formación planetaria, informó este martes Universe Today. Desde la antigüedad, … Leer más

House task force on Trump assassination attempts concludes investigation, to release full report soon

The House of Representatives Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump has finished a five-month investigation into the major security lapses in the U.S. Secret Service that led to two assassination attempts on Donald J. Trump. The task force identified multiple failures, including planning errors, confusion with local law enforcement partners, and … Leer más

Descubren un nuevo depredador oceánico en la fosa de Atacama

Un equipo de los investigadores chilenos y estadounidenses ha descubierto una nueva especie de crustáceo en las profundidades de la fosa de Atacama, informa un estudio publicado en la revista científica Systematics and Biodiversity. Científicos del Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía, con base en la Universidad de Concepción, Chile, e investigadores de la Institución Oceanográfica de Woods … Leer más

Biden bombs 75 “targets” in Syria, opening possibility ISIS uses Syria’s massive chemical and biological weapons arsenal to wipe out U.S. food supply

Now that the psychotic and demented Biden regime has bombed Syria, it wouldn’t be difficult for ISIS to take their massive supply of chemical and biological weapons, fly to Latin America or Mexico, and then just walk right into the USA through our open southern border. This would be like 9/11 times 1,000, where ISIS … Leer más