Bank of England raises alarm over U.K. pension risks amid growing use of funded reinsurance

The Bank of England has warned about significant risks to U.K. pension savings due to the growing reliance on funded reinsurance, a complex financial tool involving third-party entities like private equity firms and foreign insurers to guarantee pension payouts. Funded reinsurance arrangements are increasingly complex and lack transparency, potentially exposing U.K. savers to counterparty risks, … Leer más

UK PM Keir Starmer: “We Are Going To Push Main Line AI Into The Veins Of Britain”

British prime minister Sir Keir Starmer attends the annual Davos WEF gatherings and is one of the main world leaders trained to introduce The Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution AI agenda into his country. Even before he became prime minister, Starmer admitted that he would chose Davos over Westminster. He recently took a major step into … Leer más

«Motosierra en Cancillería»: La decisión diplomática de Argentina para ahorrar casi 2 millones de dólares

Argentina informó que decidió unificar en una sola representación diplomática la embajada de ese país en Uruguay, la Representación Permanente ante la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI) y el Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur). Al respecto, el presidente argentino comentó la notificación en su cuenta de X y agregó: «Motosierra en Cancillería». La Cancillería argentina … Leer más

Pentagon contractor fired after admitting to undercover journalist he worked to sabotage Trump administration

Pentagon advisor Jamie Mannina exposed for allegedly conspiring with retired military leaders to undermine Trump’s incoming administration. Mannina, a former FBI agent and Booz Allen Hamilton contractor, was fired after undercover footage revealed his admissions. He claimed to have ghostwritten over 100 anti-Trump op-eds and coordinated with a nonprofit to warn against Trump’s re-election. Mannina’s … Leer más

US Start Up Planning To ‘Bring Back’ Woolly Mammoths & Dodo’s

A biotechnology startup working to bring back animals from extinction, has raised $200 million for their project. Texas-based Colossal Biosciences aim to ‘resurrect’ the woolly mammoth, the Tasmanian tiger, the dodo bird and other exticnt species. The startup is headed by AI entrepreneur Ben Lamm, who said they are editing genes and working on artificial … Leer más

Trump designa a tres estrellas de cine como sus «ojos» y «oídos» en Hollywood

El presidente electo de EE.UU., Donald Trump, nombró este jueves a tres estrellas de la esfera del cine de su país -el actor Jon Voight, los actores y directores Mel Gibson y Sylvester Stallone– como enviados especiales de su administración con el cometido de promover los negocios en «un lugar grande pero muy problemático», Hollywood. «Ellos servirán … Leer más

CONSPIRACY UNVEILED: How technocracy threatens freedom and liberty

The concept of the New World Order (NWO) and technocracy is described as a movement to centralize global power under a single authority, often dismissed as a «conspiracy theory.» The NWO advocates for a global government that would replace national sovereignty and individual liberties with rule by technical experts and elite decision-makers, as seen in … Leer más

Security Agencies Warn Of Threats To President Trump’s Inauguration

President Trump’s inauguration next week has put security officials in Washington on high alert. The FBI, Secret Service and other security and law-enforcement agencies are warning of threats to Trump’s inauguration on Monday. The agencies warn about a number of potential scenarios, including foreign terrorist attacks, attacks by “domestic extremists,” bomb hoaxes by individuals, the … Leer más

Nueva ola de combates entre disidencias de las FARC y el ELN sacude una región colombiana

Al menos cuatro muertos dejó una nueva serie de enfrentamientos entre el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y disidencias de las extintas Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), informaron este jueves medios locales. En lo que parece un choque para disputarse el terreno, hubo múltiples detonaciones de explosivos y armas de fuego de largo alcance … Leer más