Ukraine: EIB provides €55 million to reconstruct social infrastructure

EIB/UNDP The funding will enable Ukrainian communities to continue implementing 151 sub-projects in 2025 and beyond, focusing on schools, kindergartens, hospitals, social housing, heating and water systems and other social infrastructure. Backed by an EU guarantee, the funding is earmarked for the EIB’s Ukraine Recovery Programme. In 2024, several sub-projects were completed, including a sewer … Leer más

Fondos de recuperación tras el COVID‑19: el foco de atención de nuestras auditorías va a cambiar

En los próximos años, nuestros auditores seguirán examinando el Instrumento Europeo de Recuperación (NextGenerationEU), el paquete de recuperación tras la pandemia, que sigue ocupando un lugar central en nuestro trabajo de auditoría. Cubrirán principalmente el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia (MRR), que tiene un valor de cientos de miles de millones de euros, y es … Leer más

GVM GVM will use EIB financing to develop medical technologies, carry out clinical research and strengthen digital infrastructure. The operation is backed by InvestEU, the European Union’s investment programme. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced a financing operation worth €35 million to support research, development and innovation projects at GVM, one of Italy’s leading hospital … Leer más

EIB The project includes the purchase of 145 electric buses to replace vehicles near the end of their useful life, and associated infrastructure. The planned investments will boost deployment of zero-emissions vehicles to improve the quality and sustainability of public transport in Valencia and nearby municipalities. The project is part of the EIB Group’s work to promote … Leer más

From fake art to money laundering: Eurojust’s cross-border investigations in 2024

As the hub for cross-border judicial cooperation, Eurojust works together with national authorities to fight organised crime. Our support and expertise helps authorities to solve complex investigations into a variety of crime types. In 2024, we saw a number of long running cases lead to joint operations that arrested suspects, seized goods and stopped criminals … Leer más

ESAs are recruiting Heads of Unit for their DORA Joint Oversight Team

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs) today kicked off a joint recruitment process for Heads of Unit (AD9) in the Joint Oversight team that was set up to carry out the oversight of the Information and Communication Technology Critical Third-Party Providers (CTPPs) under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). The Heads … Leer más

Advertencia sobre posibles fraudes

Se ha puesto en conocimiento del Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo (el Tribunal) la existencia de actividades fraudulentas en las que se utiliza el nombre y el logotipo de nuestra institución. Estas tramas fraudulentas pueden consistir en facturas falsas para pedir el pago de una multa supuestamente impuesta por el Tribunal, o de auditorías supuestamente llevadas … Leer más

Investigation ‘Cheap Ink’: Three more convicted of €58 million VAT fraud involving office supplies

(Luxembourg, 20 December 2024) – In an investigation led by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Venice (Italy), three more suspects have been convicted of participation in a criminal organisation selling toner cartridges and office supplies at cheap prices, by systematically evading VAT. Prior to these convictions, four other suspects had also been found … Leer más