From fake art to money laundering: Eurojust’s cross-border investigations in 2024

As the hub for cross-border judicial cooperation, Eurojust works together with national authorities to fight organised crime. Our support and expertise helps authorities to solve complex investigations into a variety of crime types. In 2024, we saw a number of long running cases lead to joint operations that arrested suspects, seized goods and stopped criminals … Leer más

Criminal group disrupting public services by stealing power cables arrested

German and Bulgarian authorities have rolled up a criminal group that was involved in the large-scale theft of power cables across Germany. The disappearance of the cables caused major disruptions to large public construction sites. During a joint operation coordinated by Eurojust and Europol, eight suspects were arrested. The criminal group consisting mostly of Bulgarian … Leer más

Four suspects arrested for illegally exporting archaeological treasures

Italian authorities have disrupted a sophisticated operation that was illegally exporting precious archaeological artefacts belonging to the Italian state. The criminal group worked with expert grave robbers and thieves to excavate numerous objects. Following a complex investigation lasting over several years, Italian authorities, supported by Eurojust, dismantled the organisation and arrested four suspects. The criminal … Leer más

Arms trafficking group uncovered in Albania and Kosovo*

Authorities from Albania and Kosovo, supported by Eurojust and Europol, have disrupted an arms trafficking gang operating in both countries. The suspects were responsible for the supply, transport and sale of weapons and explosive materials, setting up an intricate import and export route towards the European Union. During a joint operation on 10 and 11 … Leer más

Transatlantic cocaine trafficking route by air and sea halted: 23 arrests

A joint operation in Brazil and Italy has led to the arrest of 23 members of a cocaine trafficking network linked to mafia families in Italy. The three criminal groups running the drug smuggling operation used cargo ships and private aircraft to transport large quantities of cocaine to Europe. Eurojust and Europol supported the investigations … Leer más

Mr José de la Mata Amaya elected new Vice-President of Eurojust

National Member for Spain Mr José de la Mata Amaya was elected Vice-President of Eurojust today. Mr de la Mata (62) will serve a four-year mandate and work closely with the recently elected new Eurojust President Mr Michael Schmid and fellow Vice-President Ms Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė, to represent the Agency and oversee its management. The new … Leer más