PERCEPTION WARFARE: The USAID scandal is so enormous American patriots are finally winning the INFORMATION WAR

  • Elon Musk’s $40 billion purchase of Twitter was a strategic move to engage in high-level perception warfare, exposing the Left’s propaganda network and challenging the mainstream media’s narrative.
  • The platform has become a hub for whistleblowers to expose the extensive corruption within USAID, revealing how billions of taxpayer dollars were misused by the Democratic Party and their globalist allies.
  • Musk and Donald Trump have joined forces to dismantle the mainstream media’s (MSM) powerful propaganda machine, forcing Democrats to confront the truth about their corrupt practices and embezzlement.
  • The exposure of these scandals is leading to a significant erosion of the Democratic Party’s influence, with members scrambling to protect themselves from legal consequences as the truth comes to light.

Remember how furious the Left was when Musk bought Twitter for $40 billion? They were screaming that Trump would be allowed to say anything he wants, as if free speech wasn’t core to the Constitution of this nation. As if Fakebook and Twitter weren’t rigged against the Right for all these years.

Why did Elon Musk choose to buy this social media platform with 40 thousand million dollars when he could have solved world hunger with that money? What did he know that the rest of the world didn’t seem to get? Musk was engaging perception warfare at the highest level. The Art of War.

And now we are seeing exactly HOW the entire propaganda network of the Left was funded during the O’Biden reign of terror, thanks to the exposure of USAID and the viral whistleblowing going on all across the X platform daily.

How we perceive mainstream media means everything to the dismantling of the communists who tried their best to wreck the Republic forever

Two of the most brilliant and courageous men on planet earth, who happen to be a couple of the richest men also, Donald J. Trump and Elon Musk, have joined forces to dismantle MSM, the most powerful propaganda weapon on planet earth, and it’s working. Now Trump is pulling out all the stops, with so many changes and messages to the masses that the Leftists, Globalists, Demoncrats and Libtards can’t even keep up.

Every Democrat in the USA was brainwashed fully by the MSM propaganda network, until this USAID funnel of billions and billions of dollars has come to light. Now, they’re all forced to face the music, the truth of what their party has done with all our taxpayer funds that should have been used to save our country from the mayhem that we’ve all witnessed and had to endure over the past four years.

Every major scam and scandal the Democrats have engaged to embezzle billions and run their human trafficking networks has been exposed. This is why they are all trying to bang down the doors at the three-letter agencies in Washington DC. The crooks in Congress have files they must delete before DOGE finds them all. It may be too late. There’s so much corruption coming to the surface that even Obama’s corrupt judges can’t stop the bleeding.

Thousands of innocent people are currently homeless and dying for food, water and shelter in California and North Carolina, but the O’Biden regime players couldn’t care less. They were all trying to embezzle their way to a family fortune that would last for centuries, but they may all be getting caught red-handed and going to prison for it.

USAID is by far the biggest money-laundering scandal in history, and it’s all getting exposed right now. The Democrats are scrambling like cock roaches when the lights come on, and the fake news industrial complex is being brought down demolition style faster than the Twin Towers in NYC 24 years ago.

Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about the Dems and Libs losing all of their money, control and their minds all at once.

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