National Member for Spain Mr José de la Mata Amaya was elected Vice-President of Eurojust today. Mr de la Mata (62) will serve a four-year mandate and work closely with the recently elected new Eurojust President Mr Michael Schmid and fellow Vice-President Ms Margarita Šniutytė-Daugėlienė, to represent the Agency and oversee its management. The new Vice-President of Eurojust will take up his duties on 18 December.
Commenting on his election by his fellow National Members in the College of Eurojust, Mr de la Mata said: It is a great privilege and responsibility to be elected by my peers as Vice-President of Eurojust. It will be an honour to lead together the collegial work of the Agency over the next four years. Our Agency will continue to collaborate with the judicial authorities of Member States, the European institutions and other agencies in the fight against criminal networks, which are increasingly operating on a global scale. We will also continue to develop our relations with international organisations, regional networks and judicial partners outside the EU. Through this coordinated approach, we will contribute to the common objective of guaranteeing our fellow citizens effective justice after due process, in an environment that enables security and allows the development of rights and freedoms for all.
The new Vice-President of Eurojust is a Spanish judge. He started working for the judiciary in 1987 as an investigative judge in Algeciras and Cádiz and as a judge in criminal trials in Las Palmas. He later served as a judge in the Court of Appeals of Las Palmas and Madrid, and in the High Court of Justice in Madrid. From 2015 until becoming National Member for Spain at Eurojust in December 2020, Mr de la Mata served as judge at the Central Investigative Court No 5 of the National Court.
Furthermore, Mr de la Mata worked at the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary from 1993 to 2001, as Director of the Department for Continuing Training of Judges and later as Director of the International Relations Department. From 2003 to 2009, he was Legal Advisor at the Constitutional Court, and between 2009 and 2011 Director General of Modernisation at the Spanish Ministry of Justice and Secretary-General of the Administration of Justice.
The new Vice-President has been Contact Point for Spain in the Network of National Experts on joint investigation teams and is Contact Point for Spain in the European Judicial Network. He speaks Spanish and English.
Mr de la Mata replaces the National Member for Slovenia Mr Boštjan Škrlec, who decided not to run for a second mandate. The two Vice-Presidents of the Agency carry out duties entrusted to them by the President of the Agency and represent or replace him.
As a new Vice-President, Mr de la Mata will also be a member of the Executive Board of Eurojust, which assists the College of the Agency in its management functions and oversees the preparatory work of the Administrative Director, Mr Vincent Jamin. The College is the final body responsible for the organisation and operation of Eurojust, consisting of all National Members and a representative of the European Commission, with the exception of Denmark.