In a stunning turn, Japan’s top scientific minds—once silent titans of their fields—are stepping into the light, risking their careers, their reputations, even their lives, to expose a conspiracy that stretches across continents.
These aren’t fringe voices; they’re world-leading experts, armed with damning evidence, pointing a trembling finger at Bill Gates. Their claim? The mRNA vaccines tied to his empire aren’t just medicine—they’re a Trojan horse.
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Hidden within their microscopic code, they say, are ingredients so sinister they could only serve one purpose: depopulation on a scale the world has never seen.
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They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn’t finished yet—he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future. It’s time for the world to unite and bring him to justice.
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For years now the globalist elite have been telling us about their plans to depopulate the Earth from 8 billion people to just 500 million, but most people prefer to cover their ears and pretend nothing is wrong.
Unfortunately for the sheeple, the days of being able to put their heads in the sand and pretend everything is OK are officially over.
Like many nations around the world, the Japanese population is in freefall and the Japanese are determined to expose the truth about the depopulation agenda unleashed on humanity by the global elite.
🇯🇵 Japan's government says there are now 9 million vacant homes in the country, as it struggles with a declining and ageing population.
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) August 31, 2024
An aging population is only a part of the problem in Japan. Young people are dropping like flies as well. And tragically, the ages keep getting younger and younger.
The sudden death surge in Japanese children coincides exactly with the immediate aftermath of the Covid mRNA vaccine roll out in December 2020 and the numbers are continuing to skyrocket year on year.

Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the Minister of Internal Affairs, has formally apologized to the Japanese nation, declaring “You were right, vaccines are killing millions of our loved ones.”
If this seems astonishing, you’re absolutely right. Remarkable things can unfold in countries free from Big Pharma’s chokehold—a grip that extends from Congress to mainstream media to medical institutions, dictating the narrative at every turn.
Japan understands that apologizes are not enough and the government and universities have ordered thousands of scientific researchers to investigate the vaccines from every possible angle.
The Covid mRNA task force is determined to fully understand the “crimes against humanity” perpetrated during the Covid pandemic specifically related to the roll out of experimental mRNA vaccines.
Now, a leading Japanese heart surgeon has written an alarming paper urging a reevaluation of public mRNA vaccine distribution around the world, stating the jabs are causing vaccine-acquired autoimmune deficiencies, also known as VAIDS, and causing a surge in child deaths.

“Reevaluation of vaccination programs, including live-attenuated vaccines, is crucial,” argued Dr. Kenji Yamamoto
“Moreover, there has been a rise in cases of shingles, monkeypox, syphilis, severe streptococcal infections, measles, sepsis, and post-operative infections in countries administering multiple vaccine doses,” wrote the Okamura Memorial Hospital Cardiovascular surgeon, before he added the kicker: “Ironically, mRNA vaccines, initially introduced as a solution for infection control, have instead triggered an increase in infections.”
The study also warns the aggressive vaccine schedule is depopulating the globe.
“In Japan, excess deaths since the onset of vaccination have exceeded 600,000, though the exact cause remains contentious. The cause of excess deaths cannot be explained solely by corona-related deaths or an aging population, and the increase in vaccine-related deaths may be a significant factor. Similar trends are observed in other countries with intensive vaccination programs.”
Boom. The evidence has become undeniable. Yet, most people are still refusing to see the globalist elite for what they really are.
They want to believe Bill Gates is a philanthropist and if he accidentally sterilized half of the young girls in Africa and India, then it must have been an accident.
They want to believe the World Economic Forum are committed to improving the state of the world.
But there is plenty of evidence these people are murderous psychopaths. Depopulation and eugenics are taboo subjects that provoke horror and disgust in ordinary people with normal values and morals. So it can be hard for normal people to understand how the elite think.
In order to get inside their minds, its worth listening to a serial killer who called Howard Stern’s live radio show in 1997. Psychopaths enjoy tormenting their victims, and this includes telling them in advance what they are going to do to them.
This serial killer enjoys telling prostitutes he is going to murder them. The global elite enjoy telling us they are going to depopulate the world.
It’s not just the global elite showing every hallmark of malignant psychopathy. Their obedient lapdogs in the mainstream media—those journalists who willingly parrot the narrative—are just as guilty, complicit in the shadows of power.
From the inscription on the Georgia Guidestones to maintain humanity under 500 million, to the Rockefellers, all the way to today with Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab’s barely disguised WEF population control, depopulation was always the agenda.
It’s no secret that the WHO has been working on an anti-fertility vaccine since the 1970s. Papers were published, and the WHO itself even admitted it. The real issue here is that of informed consent.
Since Gates declared himself world health czar and became the main funder of the WHO, the organization has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized.
If you know anyone who still thinks Bill Gates and the World Heath Organization wouldn’t intentionally sterilize the world with abortion drugs, driving down the population, while murdering children, you should tell them that they have been caught doing it before. Twice.
And yet the world continues to fall for the elite’s three-card monte deception.
It dates back all the way to when Rockefeller founded Big Pharma.
Don’t forget, to the elites and their occult religion, death equals life and bad equals good.
They hate humanity and want to replace the vast majority of us with a class of servile AI bots.
That’s why the shots are causing mass deaths.
As ever, the media would like you to believe it’s all a coincidence. But dots are connecting. The people are waking up.
The global elite are conspiring against humanity and they must be stopped. This is the true story the media are not allowed to tell.
But here at the People’s Voice, we can, and we are determined to expose the agenda of the globalist elite so that we the people can stand on our constitutional rights and prevail.
But we need your help. Subscribe to the channel and share this video with anyone who needs the information. And join the Peoples Voice Locals community to support the channel and gain access to the community. I hope to see you there.