A federal judge has ordered the FDA to release over a million pages of documents which details how COVID vaccines contain ‘eugenics chemicals’ designed to depopulate the planet.
The case, in the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas, was brought by advocacy group Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), who requested data related to the experimental Pfizer-BioNTech shots.
Infowars.com reports: The FDA sought to quash the case by claiming it would need up to 75 years to process all the data.
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This argument was rejected by Judge Mark Pittman, who has said the FDA has until 30 June 2025 to release the information requested.
Concluding, Pittman said, “The Covid-19 pandemic is long passed and so has any legitimate reason for concealing from the American people the information relied upon by the government in approving the Pfizer Vaccine.”
In 2021, the FDA proposed releasing information about the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine over a period of decades, following a freedom of information request from PHMPT.
The FDA suggested it would release 500 pages a month, which will delay full disclosure until 2097. The agency said the sheer volume of the documents and its lack of staffing would make any other approach impossible.
In response to this proposal, Judge Pittman ruled in 2022 that the FDA should release 55,000 pages a month, which would ensure all the requested documents were released by the fall of 2022.
Although the FDA has now released a huge quantity of documents, lawyers for PHMPT say the agency is still withholding critical documents.
Aaron Siri, the plaintiffs’ lawyer, said, “The FDA clearly lacks confidence in the review that it conducted to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine because it is doing everything possible to prevent independent scientists from conducting an independent review.”
He continued, “The FDA was hiding from the court and the plaintiff one million pages of clinical trial documents from the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials.”