Experts have warned that the Yellowstone super-volcano appears to be gearing up for a cataclysmic eruption in the very near future.
According to scientists who are monitoring the situation, if Yellowstone erupts it would instantly erase America as the world’s superpower.
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Endoftheamericandream.com reports: In late January, a magnitude 3.9 earthquake was keenly felt throughout Yellowstone National Park…
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An earthquake near Yellowstone National Park shook parts of eastern Idaho and western Wyoming on Tuesday.
At about 6 p.m., a magnitude-3.9 earthquake was recorded about 15 miles outside of Mammoth, Wyoming, which is about 82 miles northeast of Rexburg. It was the second earthquake in or near Idaho today. At about 6:25 a.m., a magnitude-3.0 earthquake shook the ground near Stanley.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquakes occurred at depths of 7 miles and 12 miles, respectively.
Subsequently, there were two very alarming earthquake swarms in the area during the month of February…
February seismicity in Yellowstone was marked by two swarms.
A swarm of 18 earthquakes was located approximately 13 miles south-southwest of Mammoth, in Yellowstone National Park, during February 1–8. The largest earthquake in the sequence was a magnitude 1.6 on February 3 at 1:24 AM MST.
A swarm of 11 earthquakes took place approximately 5 miles south-southeast of West Thumb, in Yellowstone National Park, on February 11. The largest earthquake in the sequence was a magnitude 2.4 on February 11 at 1:44 AM MST.
I want to be very clear about something.
There is absolutely no reason to panic at this stage.
But I do believe that we should be watching.
So exactly what would a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano mean for the United States and for the rest of the world?
The following are 12 facts about the Yellowstone supervolcano that are more than just a little bit frightening…
#1 The magma “hotspot” underneath Yellowstone is approximately 300 miles wide.
#2 A full-blown eruption of Yellowstone could be up to 1,000 times more powerful than the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980.
#3 According to Google AI, a full-blown eruption of Yellowstone could send volcanic ash “up to 30-50 miles high”.
#4 According to Wikipedia, the Yellowstone Caldera has been “rising as quickly as 150 millimetres (5.9 in) per year”.
#5 There are more than a thousand earthquakes in the Yellowstone area every single year.
#6 In the event of a full-blown eruption of Yellowstone, virtually the entire northwest United States will be completely destroyed.
#7 A full-blown eruption of Yellowstone would mean that just about everything within a 100 mile radius of Yellowstone would be immediately killed.
#8 A full-blown eruption of Yellowstone could potentially dump a layer of volcanic ash that is at least 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away.
#9 A full-blown eruption of Yellowstone would cover virtually the entire Midwest with a very thick layer of volcanic ash. Food production in the U.S. would be almost totally wiped out for an extended period of time.
#10 The “volcanic winter” that a massive Yellowstone eruption would cause would radically cool the planet. Some scientists believe that global temperatures would decline by up to 20 degrees. This would result in a horrific global famine.
#11 America would never be the same again after a massive Yellowstone eruption. Some scientists believe that a full eruption by Yellowstone would render two-thirds of the United States completely uninhabitable.
#12 Scientists tell us that it is not a matter of “if” Yellowstone will erupt again but rather “when” the next inevitable eruption will take place.
Volcanoes that were dormant for centuries are starting to come back to life all over the globe.
The giant rock that we are all living on is becoming increasingly unstable, and that should greatly concern all of us.
If Yellowstone were to blow tomorrow, the consequences would be absolutely cataclysmic.
Hundreds of cubic miles of ash, rock and lava would be blasted into the atmosphere, and this would likely plunge much of the northern hemisphere into several days of almost complete darkness. Virtually everything within 100 miles of Yellowstone National Park would be immediately wiped out, but a much more cruel fate would befall those that live in major cities outside of the immediate blast zone such as Salt Lake City and Denver.
Extremely hot ash, rock and dust would rain down on those cities literally for weeks. In the end, it would be extremely difficult for anyone living in those areas to survive. In fact, it has been estimated that at least 90 percent of the population that is living within 600 miles of Yellowstone would be killed.
Experts tell us that such an eruption would dump a layer of volcanic ash that is at least 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away, and approximately two-thirds of the United States would suddenly become uninhabitable. The volcanic ash would severely contaminate most of our water supplies, and growing food in the middle of the country would become next to impossible.
In other words, it would be the end of our country as we know it today.
The rest of the world, and this would especially be true for those living in the northern hemisphere, would experience what is known as a “volcanic winter”. We would enter an extended period of “global cooling”, and average temperatures around the world would drop by up to 20 degrees. Crops would fail all over the planet, and severe famine would likely kill billions.