EU ‘Vision for Agriculture and Food’

From 9.00, MEPs and Commissioner Hansen will discuss plans for the future of the agri-food sector in the EU. MEPs are expected to quiz the Commission about the upcoming Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) proposal post-2027, and how much money the Commission intends to dedicate to agriculture in the next long-term budget.

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Action plan for affordable energy

At around 10.15, MEPs and Commissioner Jørgensen will discuss the Commission’s Action Plan for Affordable Energy, which addresses high energy costs experienced by EU citizens and businesses. The plan aims to make electricity bills more affordable by reducing network charges and taxes, promoting energy efficiency, and ensuring a well-functioning gas market.

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(+32) 498 98 13 37


At noon, plenary will vote on resolutions on:

  • Democracy and human rights in Thailand, in particular the lese-majesty law and the deportation of Uyghur refugees;
  • Severe political, humanitarian and human rights crisis in Sudan, in particular the sexual violence and child rape;
  • Unlawful detention and sham trials of Armenian hostages, including high-ranking political representatives from Nagorno-Karabakh, by Azerbaijan; and on
  • Social and employment aspects of restructuring processes: the need to protect jobs and workers’ rights

Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

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