Reportan el asalto a la Embajada de Irán en Damasco

Individuos armados han atacado el edificio de la Embajada iraní en Damasco después de que los yihadistas tomaran la capital siria, informó la agencia de noticias IRNA este domingo. Los videos y fotos del lugar de los hechos muestran que algunos elementos se infiltraron en el edificio y llevaron a cabo saqueos y sabotajes. ❗️Reportan el … Leer más

El 75 % de los fallecidos por calor en México tiene menos de 35 años, según estudio

El 75 % de las muertes relacionadas con el calor en México se producen en personas de menos de 35 años, en parte, por realizar trabajos al aire libre, donde están más expuestos a la deshidratación y la insolación, según un artículo publicado el viernes en la revista Science Advances. Inédita ola de calor deja un … Leer más

Candidato de Trump a secretario de Estado habría rechazado reunirse con el principal asesor de Zelenski

El nominado por el presidente electo de EE.UU., Donald Trump, para el cargo de secretario de Estado, Marco Rubio, se negó a reunirse con Andréi Yermak, el jefe de la Oficina del líder del régimen de Kiev, según reportó el sábado la revista ucraniana NV citando a personas familiarizadas con el asunto. En el marco de su visita a … Leer más

New BRICS banking system will render Western sanctions on Russia USELESS

Former chancellor of Exchequer (British revenue collector) Lord Lamont of Lerwick is warning the world that if BRICS creates its own separate banking system separate from the U.S. dollar, all Western sanctions against Russia and its allies will be rendered completely useless. With growing talk about the BRICS countries – Russia, China, India, Brazil and … Leer más

CCDH agents threatened health freedom advocates and covid truthers with lawsuits to silence them

A government-related group targeted independent news sites and health freedom advocates who bravely told the truth about COVID-19 during the pandemic using a multipronged approach that included censorship and the threat of lawsuits. The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is the group that put together the Disinformation Dozen – 12 people who they claim … Leer más

Parents of 6-year-old given COVID-19 jab against their wishes by VT school take appeal to U.S. Supreme Court

A family in Vermont whose 6-year-old son was given a COVID-19 vaccine against their wishes has appealed a ruling by the Vermont Supreme Court that essentially granted immunity to government and school personnel when mandating vaccines. According to the Vermont Supreme Court, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) prohibits this type of claim, … Leer más

Incoming FCC chairman Brendan Carr prepping for battle against censors: “Censorship is about stopping ideas”

Veteran Republican Brendan Carr, President-elect Trump’s pick to chair the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is eager to fight with the censors that for too long have discriminated against conservative voices online. In a recent interview with Fox News, Carr explained how he plans to hit the ground running the moment Trump is reinstalled into the … Leer más

More than 100 million fully jabbed Americans now suffer from irreversible heart damage: Dr. Thomas Levy

The death and injury toll from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) «vaccines» continues to mount with Dr. Thomas Levy warning that the number of «fully vaccinated» people who now suffer from irreversible heart damage has, or soon will, eclipse 100 million. A renowned cardiologist and attorney-at-law who works as contributing editor at the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service … Leer más

Federal Judge Orders FDA To Release Bombshell Docs Proving COVID Jabs Are ‘Depopulation Drugs’

A federal judge has ordered the FDA to release over a million pages of documents which details how COVID vaccines contain ‘eugenics chemicals’ designed to depopulate the planet. The case, in the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas, was brought by advocacy group Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), who … Leer más

Biden Admin Makes First Ever ‘Climate Change’ Arrest in America

The Biden regime has made the first-ever arrest for a so-called ‘climate change-related crime’, paving the way for authorities to mass arrest other law-abiding citizens who oppose their ‘Net Zero‘ agenda. With new enforcement measures for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including 300 new employees since last year, the agency has rapidly increased issuing … Leer más