NYC Mayor Sounds Alarm on Pedophilia Epidemic as Number of Missing Kids Hits 500,000

New York City Mayor Eric Adams left liberal reporters stunned on Thursday after a fiery speech where he revealed the alarming scale of the pedophilia epidemic sweeping the nation. His outburst came after a high-stakes meeting with Tom Homan, Trump’s incoming Border Czar, who made it clear that the Trump administration’s determination to close the … Leer más

Mike Adams Sermon 62: The DIVINE COMET that takes out Babylon the Great and defeats evil

Mike Adams’ sermon for the Church of Natural Abundance interprets Revelation 17-19 as a prophecy of cosmic events that cleanse Earth from sin and corruption. Adams identifies the «scarlet woman» as a symbol for a globalist system characterized by debauchery and greed, representing humanity’s deviation from divine order and its embrace of Satan’s influence. New … Leer más

Rusia lanza un bombardeo masivo contra Ucrania en represalia por ataque con ATACMS

El Ministerio de Defensa ruso comunicó este viernes que ha lanzado un ataque en respuesta al bombardeo con misiles ATACMS del régimen ucraniano contra un aeródromo ruso perpetrado el miércoles. Se informa que el objetivo del ataque eran «instalaciones críticas de la infraestructura de combustible y energía de Ucrania que apoyan la actividad del complejo militar-industrial». … Leer más

Top 11 CRIMES Democrat and Liberal law enforcers RARELY EVER arrest or jail anyone for committing — unless it’s conservatives

If you’ve been living in America the past 4 years, then you may have felt like you were living in a third-world country, where there aren’t many police, the court system barely works, and the judges side with the politicians, who can put anybody in jail at any time for just about anything they claim … Leer más

The surveillance state’s assault on privacy: A dangerous precedent

– Systemic Abuse of Power: The federal government has conducted over 3.3 million warrantless searches of private financial data in 2023, targeting individuals with conservative political beliefs, involving more than 14,000 federal employees. – Collusion with Financial Institutions: Major banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Chase have willingly provided sensitive customer data to … Leer más

Un delincuente huye al estilo de Papá Noel y queda atascado en una chimenea (VIDEO)

Un delincuente protagonizó una huida muy navideña al intentar escapar de la Policía metiéndose por una chimenea, como si fuera Papá Noel, informa el departamento policial de Fall River, cerca de Boston. Pero el plan, pese a ser muy acorde a estas fechas, no le salió muy bien, ya que quedó atascado y tuvo que ser rescatado … Leer más

Cuba y Bolivia se convertirán en socios del BRICS a partir de 2025

Cuba y Bolivia se convertirán en países socios del BRICS a partir de 2025, declaró el viceministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Riabkov, en una entrevista al diario Izvestia. «Ellos [Bolivia y Cuba] forman parte del grupo que recibió la invitación. Confiamos en que todo saldrá bien en cuanto a su participación como socios», … Leer más

Clintons in Talks With Biden About Preemptive Pardon for Child Trafficking Crimes

Bill and Hillary Clinton are reportedly in talks with President Biden about obtaining a preemptive pardon for their various crimes, including crimes against children. Bill Clinton joined “The View” on Wednesday, where he admitted that he was in talks with Biden about obtaining a pardon for his wife before Trump gets into office. reports: … Leer más

Leading Drs Demand Immediate Suspension Of Covid Jabs Due To Unprecedented Side Effects

Thousands of doctors and healthcare professionals signed a petition earlier this year calling for the immediate suspension of all COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines They said the jabs were contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths. Known as the HOPE Accord, the online petition makes five calls to the international community in relation to … Leer más