Trump steps in to halt Biden’s border wall “fire sale”

President-elect Donald Trump submitted an amicus brief to the Southern District Court of Texas to challenge the Biden administration’s sale of border wall materials, arguing it’s potentially illegal and undermines his administration’s border security plans. The Biden administration has been selling off unused border wall materials through weekly auctions on a government surplus website, drawing … Leer más

Colombia roza las 850 toneladas de cocaína incautadas en 2024

Las autoridades colombianas han decomisado este año 848,5 toneladas de cocaína, confirmó el domingo el ministro de Defensa, Iván Velásquez. El golpe al narcotráfico se logró por el trabajo conjunto de las Fuerzas Militares y la Policía Nacional, que confiscaron esta importante cantidad de droga hasta el 26 de diciembre. Este año, hasta el pasado 26 … Leer más

Indiana University course teaches students they are inherently oppressive

A course at Indiana University trains students to view their existence as inherently oppressive based on their race, sex, or religion. Professor Colleen Rose makes students identify their identities as «subordinate» or «dominant,» implying that people from certain groups are oppressors by default. The course’s premise is criticized as counterproductive, fostering division and resentment among … Leer más

Another Study Confirms Fluoride Causes Literal ‘Retardation’ in Children

A meta-study – a study encompassing multiple studies – has found a link between prenatal exposure to fluoride in drinking water and retardation of the child’s brain. The meta-study, which looked at three studies from Denmark, Mexico and Canada, found that a concentration of 0.3mg/L of fluoride in maternal urine was the critical threshold beyond which … Leer más

El ‘monstruo de Aviñón’ decide no apelar su condena

Dominique Pelicot, condenado a 20 años de prisión por drogar durante una década a la que entonces era su mujer, Gisèle Pelicot, para que pudieran violarla desconocidos que contactaba por Internet, ha decidido no recurrir su sentencia, informó su abogada citada por AFP.  El pasado 19 de diciembre, la Justicia francesa dictó para Dominique la pena máxima exigida tras … Leer más

Insidious Bill “Genocide” Gates and his investor cohorts plan to CHOP DOWN billions of TREES and BURY THEM in order to fix “climate change”

Bill Gates has raised over $6 million in funding for a scheme to cut down and bury the world’s trees in an alleged attempt to combat global warming, a plan described as «Breakthrough Energy.» The U.S. Forest Service is prepared to «thin out» 70 million acres of Western forests over the next decade, which critics … Leer más

NATO to Urgency Build More Cemeteries for Mass Casualties in Upcoming WW3

NATO has begun urgently building more cemeteries in Europe for mass casualties in an upcoming World War 3. Sweden has become the first European country to join forces with NATO and secure land to bury millions of its citizens. reports: The burial association in Sweden’s second-largest city, Gothenburg, is trying to acquire additional land … Leer más

Newly released documents expose CIA’s dark MKULTRA mind-control experiments

The CIA’s MKULTRA program, a Cold War-era initiative, aimed to develop mind-control techniques through unethical experiments on unwitting human subjects, including the use of LSD, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and physical methods. Over 1,200 declassified documents reveal the program’s disturbing scope, confirming its unethical practices and the CIA’s deliberate destruction of evidence in 1973, ordered by … Leer más