Lavrov a Carlson: «Nuestra posición es legítima, ‘no a la OTAN’ a nuestra puerta» (EN VIVO)

Rusia no quiere la guerra ni un enfrentamiento directo con EE.UU. y espera que las «señales» que está enviando tras los ataques a su territorio con misiles de fabricación estadounidense sean tomadas en serio por Washington, declaró el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, en una entrevista con el reconocido periodista estadounidense, Tucker … Leer más

«Silencio total»: Lavrov denuncia las incógnitas en torno a Bucha

El tema de lo sucedido en la ciudad ucraniana de Bucha en marzo de 2022, cuando se difundieron imágenes de cuerpos tendidos en las calles de la urbe, algunos con las manos atadas, realmente no interesa a nadie, «ni a políticos ni a funcionarios de la ONU», cuestionó el ministro de Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, durante … Leer más

Economists warn incoming Trump administration risks turning bullish stock market into a risky BUBBLE

Economists are warning that the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump could rattle the country’s economy and lead to stock markets changing course from their current bullish state. Most stock markets have been surging thanks to traders responding positively to Trump’s recent victory in the election and his impending inauguration on Jan. 20, 2025. The … Leer más

If global warming is real, then why are the coldest areas of the world getting EVEN COLDER?

Researchers from Thailand have found that surface temperatures across Greenland have been dropping in recent years, not increasing like the climate alarmists claim. Data going back to the turn of the millennium shows that Greenland’s ice-covered sub-regions have been getting incrementally colder year after year. Greenland’s ice-free sub-regions, conversely, have ever-so-slightly warmed during the same time … Leer más

Putin says Russia’s new hypersonic Oreshnik missile is like a meteorite that can reduce everything to dust

Russian President Vladimir Putin has likened the striking capabilities of its new cutting-edge Oreshnik ballistic missiles that of a meteorite impact. In comments to the Collective Security Treaty Organization summit in Kazakhstan, Putin said: “This is like a falling meteorite. We know from history where meteorites had fallen and what the consequences were. What lakes … Leer más

PHARMA HELICOPTER MONEY: Donations to senators from Big Pharma could complicate RFK Jr.’s path to HHS Secretary

The news that President-elect Donald Trump will be nominating Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as Health and Human Services Secretary was welcomed by the countless Americans who are tired of the hold pharmaceutical and food companies have on government agencies. His “Make America Healthy Again” approach could do a lot for public health – but the … Leer más

Last-minute effort to rob taxpayers: Biden administration moves to subsidize reptile venom peptide injections marketed as weight loss medications

Outgoing President Joe Biden’s administration wants to scoop more money out of taxpayers’ pockets before his term ends, with a proposal to expand coverage of Big Pharma’s popular venom peptide-laced weight-loss injections in government-backed healthcare plans including Medicare and Medicaid. The proposal, which was pitched by the administration on Nov. 26, would expand access to weekly injectables … Leer más

Fully Vaccinated Fox News Doctor Kelly Powers, Who Survived On-Air Heart Attack, Dies From Turbo Cancer

Fully vaccinated Fox News contributor and doctor Kelly Powers died Sunday following a series of health problems including heart failure and a battle with brain cancer. Dr. Powers was an advocate for Big Pharma, describing drug and vaccine companies as “not the enemy” during an appearance on Fox Business, explaining that “they are helping us, … Leer más

UN Declares War on ‘Climate Skeptics’, Unveils Massive War Chest to Control Narrative in Legacy Media

The United Nations has launched an aggressive propaganda campaign against so-called “climate skeptics,” accusing them of jeopardizing Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To counter this, the UN has unveiled a massive war chest aimed at controlling the narrative through legacy media outlets. This latest scheme, dubbed the Global Initiative for Information Integrity … Leer más

Feminists Threaten To Sterilize Themselves Following Trump’s Election Win

Far-left feminists have begun having their tubes tied in protest to the incoming Trump administration. According to a Newsweek report, liberal women across America are so anxious over the future of women’s “reproductive rights” that they have resorted to sterilizing themselves in order to avoid ever being able to have children. reports: “If I … Leer más