Criminal group disrupting public services by stealing power cables arrested

German and Bulgarian authorities have rolled up a criminal group that was involved in the large-scale theft of power cables across Germany. The disappearance of the cables caused major disruptions to large public construction sites. During a joint operation coordinated by Eurojust and Europol, eight suspects were arrested. The criminal group consisting mostly of Bulgarian … Leer más

Paving the Way: EuroHPC JU Signs Hosting Agreements for Quantum Computers in Luxembourg and in the Netherlands

The two new EuroHPC quantum computers will leverage quantum computing technologies based on semiconductor spin qubits. They will provide European end-users access to two new complementary qubit modalities while relying on well-established European manufacturing knowledge and processes.  Both quantum computers will be integrated with existing supercomputers as part of EuroHPC JU strategy to offer the … Leer más

Remarks by President António Costa at the press conference of the EU-Western Balkans summit in Brussels

The timing of today’s summit could not have been better. It was the first meeting I chaired as President of the European Council. This highlights the political priority that enhancing cooperation with the Western Balkans has for me and for the European Union. We are sending a strong signal with the Brussels Declaration that we … Leer más

Dictamen del CEPD sobre los modelos de IA: Los principios del RGPD respaldan la IA responsable

Bruselas, 18 de diciembre – El Comité Europeo de Protección de Datos (CEPD) ha aprobado un dictamen* sobre el uso de datos personales para el desarrollo y la implantación de modelos de IA. El presente dictamen examina 1) cuándo y cómo pueden considerarse anónimos los modelos de IA, 2) si y cómo puede utilizarse el … Leer más

EIOPA and ECB propose European approach to reduce economic impact of natural catastrophes

EIOPA and ECB propose possible EU-level approach to reduce insurance protection gap for natural catastrophes, building on existing national and EU structures Two-pillar solution includes pooling private risks to increase insurance coverage and strengthening EU public disaster risk management  European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) today released a … Leer más

Avian influenza: increased spread in poultry-dense areas at end 2024

Situation in EuropeAlthough the overall number of avian influenza cases remains low compared to previous years, the last quarter of the year saw an increase in cases in wild and domestic birds compared to the previous quarter. Most of the detections in both wild and domestic birds were found in South-Central Europe, mainly in areas with a high concentration of poultry farms. Our experts concluded that the large number of farms in these areas and the type of poultry production contributed to disease spread between farms. A(H5N5) virus, a subtype of the avian influenza virus which causes mass mortality in wild birds, has significantly expanded its geographical and species range, spreading widely in different regions and wild bird species. However, no new cases have been reported in mammals.According to ECDC, the risk of infection is currently low for the general public in Europe, and low to medium for people working with or exposed to infected animals or contaminated environments.Situation in the USOutside of Europe, the US is seeing a significant surge in cases among cattle, with more than 800 establishments affected in 16 states. Most of the cases are reported in California where the virus was also recently found in two batches of raw milk sold in retail shops.  Additionally, A (H5N1) virus strain, which is different from the one affecting cattle, was detected for the first time in pigs in Oregon in a mixed livestock-poultry farm. This is of concern given the potential for pigs to be co-infected by different types of influenza viruses that could adapt and spread to other species. 

Procedimientos de infracción: El cumplimiento del Derecho de la UE requiere demasiado tiempo

Las herramientas y los procedimientos para hacer cumplir el Derecho de la UE están mejorando gradualmente. Entre 2012 y 2023 se incoaron más de 9 000 procedimientos de infracción. Pocos casos se resuelven con sanciones pecuniarias, pero estas no siempre resultan disuasorias. Aunque la Comisión Europea ha mejorado la forma en que detecta y corrige las … Leer más

Reform and Growth Facility for Moldova: Council agrees its negotiating position

The Council today agreed its negotiating position on the Reform and Growth Facility for the Republic of Moldova. The proposed facility is the financial pillar of the Moldova Growth Plan, presented by the Commission in October 2024. It will support Moldova during the period from 2025 to 2027 and is expected to provide up to … Leer más