Bulgaria: Four charged with €94.5 million fraud involving railway signalling systems

(Luxembourg, 13 January 2025) – The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Sofia (Bulgaria) has brought charges of fraud against four suspects, following an investigation into a project to design and build signalling and telecommunication systems on the Bulgarian rail network.  The project, which concerns the railway section between Plovdiv and Burgas, is worth over … Leer más

Combatting major organised crime and human trafficking priorities for Polish EU Presidency

In the field of justice and security, the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union will focus on combatting major cross-border criminal networks, hybrid threats, and terrorism and radicalisation. Particular attention will be paid to combat the trafficking of illicit drugs, human trafficking and migrant smuggling.  Another priority is the protection of minors … Leer más

PESCO: Switzerland will be invited to participate in the ‘Military Mobility’ project

The Council adopted today a decision confirming that the participation of Switzerland in the PESCO project ‘Military Mobility’ meets the general conditions set out in Decision (CFSP) 2020/1639 of November 2020, and will bring substantial added value to the project. Today’s decision authorises the Netherlands as project coordinator to formally invite Switzerland to join this … Leer más

EIOPA recommends that Bulgarian insurance supervisor FSC review its supervisory process for assessing undertakings’ solvency positions

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) issued today a recommendation to Bulgaria’s Financial Supervision Commission (FSC – Комисия за финансов надзор), urging the supervisor to review its supervisory processes regarding the assessment of (re)insurers’ solvency positions. EIOPA issues the present recommendation following a review by the FSC of a Bulgarian reinsurance undertaking’s solvency … Leer más

Previsiones: 13 a 26 de enero de 2025

Síntesis de los principales temas y actos en el Consejo de la UE y en el Consejo Europeo durante la próxima quincena. Consejo de Asuntos Económicos y Financieros, 21.1.2025 La Presidencia polaca presentará su programa de trabajo. Los ministros mantendrán un debate de orientación sobre competitividad. Los ministros tomarán nota de la situación actual en … Leer más

Netherlands: EIB backs Resato to enhance hydrogen refuelling technology

Resato Resato Hydrogen Technology signs €25 million facility with EIB to finance research and development, and to expand its production capacity for the period leading up to 2027. The venture debt financing supports the expansion of Resato’s production capacity in Assen, which is expected to create more jobs in the surrounding region. The EIB loan … Leer más

Pagos digitales en la UE: preocupación por las intervenciones en los precios en el mercado de las tarjetas

El valor de los pagos digitales en ventas al por menor se ha duplicado con creces desde 2017 hasta superar 1 billón de euros. La UE interviene en la fijación de tasas para las tarjetas, pero no revisa periódicamente si sus intervenciones siguen siendo adecuadas. También hay problemas persistentes con respecto al intercambio de datos sobre … Leer más

Lebanon: statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the presidential election

The European Union warmly congratulates Joseph Aoun on his election as President of the Republic of Lebanon. This significant step marks a moment of hope and renewal for the Lebanese people. We commend the Lebanese parliamentarians for reaching a broad consensus, demonstrating responsibility. A spirit of national unity is crucial to allow the participation of … Leer más

EIB This EU guarantee-backed financing will support the reclamation of the Hrybovychi landfill, addressing long-standing environmental challenges for the city of Lviv. The funding will help improve the city’s waste management system (aligning it with EU environmental standards), minimise ecological impact and ultimately transform the Hrybovychi landfill into a green zone and park area. The … Leer más