El CEPD adopta directrices de seudonimización y allana el camino para mejorar la cooperación con las autoridades de competencia

Bruselas, 17 de enero – Durante su reunión plenaria de enero de 2025, el Comité Europeo de Protección de Datos (CEPD) adoptó directrices sobre la seudonimización, así como una declaración sobre la interacción del Derecho de la competencia y la protección de datos. El CEPD aclara el uso de la seudonimización para el cumplimiento del RGPD  El … Leer más

22-23 January 2025 European Parliament – József Antall building (JAN4Q2 Anna Lindh room) Web stream click here AGENDA Debates Thursday 23 January 2025 at 9:00 Artificial intelligence at the workplace, with Sebastian Gajewski, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy of Poland, Roxana Mînzatu, European Commission Executive Vice-President, Social Rights and Skills, Quality … Leer más

EIB Today the national investment bank of Côte d’Ivoire, Banque Nationale d’Investissement (BNI), and the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced a €100 million financial partnership backed by the European Union to promote youth employment and gender equality, and to increase economic and environmental sustainability in the cocoa sector. Made possible by an EU guarantee, the operation helps implement … Leer más

ESAs publish study on feasibility of further centralisation of major ICT-related incident reporting by financial entities

The three European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) published today a report on the feasibility of further centralisation in the reporting of major ICT-related incidents by financial entities according to Article 21 of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). In line with the DORA mandate, the ESAs’ joint report explores the … Leer más

EU financial entities cybersecurity upgrade: DORA is now alive and kicking

DORA is a harmonised and comprehensive regulatory framework on digital operational resilience. The regulation is designed to strengthen digital operational resilience and oversight over Critical Third-party ICT Providers (CTPPs). The regulatory framework entered into force on 16 January 2023 and financial entities had until today to fully deploy and implement it. How ENISA comes into … Leer más

Romania: Two indicted for fraud involving funds for the development of the Danube Delta

(Luxembourg, 16 January 2025) – Last week, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in Bucharest (Romania) filed an indictment at the Bucharest Tribunal against one Romanian citizen and one company, for fraud involving a project for the development of the Danube Delta, co-funded by the EU.  At issue is a project to expand the activities … Leer más

European Commissioner McGrath launches collaboration with Eurojust

As a key player in global criminal justice cooperation, Eurojust works together with the European Commission to keep Europe safe. To mark the start of his mandate, European Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law Michael McGrath visited  Eurojust’s headquarters in The Hague on 16 January. Commissioner McGrath was welcomed by Eurojust President … Leer más

EIB The Republic of Côte d’Ivoire has secured a EUR 50 million investment loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to increase its membership in the African Trade & Investment Development Insurance (ATIDI). This operation was made possible thanks to a European Union guarantee in the framework of the EU Global Gateway Strategy. This strategic … Leer más

Los habitantes de las ciudades de la UE siguen sufriendo contaminación atmosférica y acústica

La calidad del aire en las zonas urbanas ha mejorado, pero será difícil cumplir las normas futuras. El objetivo de contaminación cero de la UE en materia de ruido para 2030 parece ser largo. Las ciudades europeas tienen dificultades para aplicar contramedidas eficaces. La contaminación urbana sigue siendo una importante amenaza medioambiental para la salud … Leer más