While the world’s attention is fixed on the Trump administration’s rapid dismantling of the Deep State, Bill Gates is seizing the moment to advance a shocking agenda. Under the cover of global distraction, he’s launching an unprecedented assault on humanity, boldly claiming that human beings are no longer essential to the planet’s future.
In fact, Gates warns that a black swan event is not just possible—it’s highly likely, with the potential to wipe out 94% of the global population in the near future.
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And if history has taught us anything, it’s that Gates’ so-called “predictions” have an uncanny tendency to come true—almost as if they’re less about foresight and more about forewarning, hinting at plans already set in motion.
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This week, Bill Gates joined Jimmy Fallon to promote his new memoir, Source Code, and share locker room stories about their old buddy Jeffrey Epstein and his island of underage sex slaves.
Just kidding. They were talking about global depopulation.
According to Gates, the rise of AI means the vast majority of human beings are useless and the elite will have no need for them in the near future.
And then came the kicker—watch Gates’ expression closely as he revels in telling the world that soon, they’ll be obsolete.
A chilling consensus has emerged among the global elite: humanity is the problem, and the solution is fewer people.
To them, overpopulation isn’t just an issue—it’s the root cause of the world’s greatest crises. From climate change to economic instability, they argue that our growing numbers are driving the planet to the brink of collapse.
And in their eyes, drastic measures are not just necessary—they’re urgent.
So what are they going to do about it?
Gates’ predictions have an uncanny way of becoming reality. So it’s worth paying attention when, during another interview promoting his book on The View, he warned that the next pandemic could be “far more severe.”
Pay attention to Gates’ psychopathic body language during this interview.
Ask yourself, why does the billionaire eugenicist keep his arms folded the entire time, except for when he rubs his hands together when talking about death?
Gates has had longtime delusions of total world domination. Since his days at Microsoft, Gates has been funneling billions into a raft of projects that aim to eliminate people and replace them with whatever benefits himself and the global elite.
He’s not the only one. The depopulation narrative has trickled down from the elite to their allies in the mainstream media, where TV pundits routinely echo anti-human rhetoric. This is how normalization works.
Bill Gates is so hellbent on pushing experimental jabs on the population, that he’s now funding researchers who are findings ways to “carpet-bomb” cities so that the vaccines are inhaled without consent.
A recent article from Eugyppius: A Plague Chronicle reveals that Gates-associated researchers are now pushing for mRNA nasal vaccines that can be sprayed on populations and inhaled without knowledge.
Human populations are seen by globalists as plagues upon the planet, worthy of extermination in the same way an infestation of cockroaches might be handled.
To this end, they elite have effectively turned every targeted city into a Holocaust-style gas chamber where people breathe in the bioweapons that will kill them over time.
If you think these Nuremberg violations aren’t happening yet, think again. Your life could depend on it—this is not exaggeration.
Normies will go to their graves blindly defending the global elite—despite the air, food, and water being poisoned before their eyes. Don’t be a normie.
Remember that strange fog from earlier this year? Well, it’s back—and stronger than ever. A private lab recently analyzed its chemical makeup, and what they found is shocking.
Even more disturbing? The evidence comes with a clear chain of custody, pointing directly to those at the very top.
According to globalists, human beings are not only using too many precious resources — such as water, energy and land — they’re also polluting the oceans with plastics, destroying ecological systems and contributing nothing to the future of human civilization.
Therefore, the thinking goes, they must be exterminated.
The real challenge for the global elite is keeping the masses oblivious—convincing them they’re not being exterminated, even as they go about their lives defending their oppressors, gulping down the toxic chemicals, and lining up for their extermination injections.
To pull this off, the plandemic was carefully orchestrated and rehearsed—something the growing paper trail continues to expose in real time.
During the plandemic, mRNA ‘vaccines’—covertly developed by the military long before COVID was even on the radar—were relentlessly pushed by doctors, journalists, government officials, Big Tech, employers, and schools, all while ignoring the lack of real scientific backing.
These death shots were called “safe and effective” when they were really dangerous and deadly. Those who gave in to these apparent “authority” influencers will likely pay for that bad decision with their lives.
Meanwhile, aggressive “family planning” campaigns in developing nations, funded by billion-dollar organizations like the Gates Foundation, the UN Population Fund, and USAID are presented as humanitarian efforts while quietly advancing a depopulation agenda.
Policies encouraging euthanasia, sterilization, and abortion are packaged as empowering, masking their true purpose.
This Luciferian ideology is being sold to us in plain sight.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, went on record saying “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Hollywood blockbusters like Avengers: Infinity War glorify villains like Thanos, whose “solution” to the universe’s problems is erasing half of all life.
Documentaries like Planet of the Humans argue that overpopulation is unsustainable and drastic measures are required.
Popular musicians, TV hosts and and even royals have subtly echoed the messaging, painting humanity as a virus ravaging the Earth.
Even in academia, top institutions teach that population growth is an existential threat, with economists and scientists proposing controversial “solutions” to control it.
And let’s not forget the policies taking hold worldwide. The Dutch government is phasing out farms under the guise of climate regulations, but critics warn it’s part of a broader plan to reduce the global population’s access to food.
The UN and World Economic Forum promotes insects as a future food source, framing it as a sustainable solution while restricting the resources that sustain current diets.
Meanwhile, initiatives like Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying or MAiD program are normalizing euthanasia for reasons as trivial as financial hardship or a temporary bout of the blues.
Behind these efforts lies an uncomfortable truth: this isn’t about saving the planet—it’s about control. Those at the top are using fear, influence, and money to reshape society, convinced they are humanity’s saviors.
But the question remains: who decides who gets to stay, and who doesn’t?
According to Gates, death panels are the answer. And we must begin by culling the elderly because they are, in his warped mind, holding back young people from attending the University of California.
These psychopathic ghouls are no longer hiding their agenda. They’re determined to push it through, relentlessly, until it’s beyond our ability to stop them.
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