Democrats Must Be Willing To ‘Fight & Die’ To Defeat Trump Says The View’s Sunny Hostin

Democrats should be prepared to “fight and die” to defeat President Donald Trump, according to The View co-host Sunny Hostin Hostin’s comments on Friday came in response to Democrat Rep. Al Green being ejected from the House floor and later censured for disrupting President Trump’s joint address to Congress last week. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign … Leer más

Butterflies vanishing at “catastrophic” rate, insecticides a major culprit

Butterfly populations in the U.S. have declined by 22% over 20 years, with 114 species experiencing significant drops. Insecticides, particularly neonicotinoids, are a major driver of the decline, harming biodiversity and ecosystems. The Southwest U.S. saw the most severe losses, with butterfly populations dropping by over 50% in some states. Butterflies are vital pollinators, and … Leer más

Los aspirantes a las presidencias de los TSJ de Madrid y de la Región de Murcia y a las de las Audiencias de Bizkaia y de Zaragoza comparecen este martes ante la Comisión de Calificación

Los aspirantes a las presidencias de los Tribunales Superiores de Justicia de Madrid y de la Región de Murcia y a las de las Audiencias Provinciales de Bizkaia y de Zaragoza comparecerán mañana martes ante la Comisión de Calificación para exponer su currículo y su proyecto. También lo harán los/as candidatos a la presidencia de … Leer más

Elimination diets prove to be the BEST CURE for ADD and ADHD disorders

Elimination diets as a potential ADHD management tool: Recent studies, such as the TRACE and INCA trials, suggest that removing specific foods (e.g., artificial dyes, allergens, or pesticides) from children’s diets may reduce ADHD symptoms in some cases, with the INCA study reporting significant symptom relief in 64% of participants. Challenges and limitations of elimination … Leer más

CDC finally forced to investigate vaccine-autism links, after decades of anecdotal evidence going ignored

The CDC finally plans to study the potential link between vaccines and autism, after decades of anecdotal evidence going ignored. Autism rates have skyrocketed from 1 in 1,000 children in the early 2000s, to 1 in 36 in 2022, raising urgent questions about environmental and medical factors. After the landmark study was announced, the pharma-funded … Leer más

De ficha de la CIA a ‘tiktoker’: la vuelta de tuerca de un preso que quiere ser presidente

Pocos hombres tienen más biografía que él en Perú, por lo menos públicamente. Su nombre es archiconocido y a finales del siglo XX generaba pavor en ciertos sectores. Es Vladimiro Montesinos, quien a pesar de cumplir una larga pena en la cárcel, coteja la opción de volver al poder. Desde octubre de 2024 una cuenta … Leer más