Actress Brandi Glanville Suffers Parasite Causing Facial Disfigurement After Covid Booster

Reality TV star Brandi Glanville has unveiled a harrowing tale of medical torment which began after she received a Covid booster shot.

The former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member says she’s battling an unknown parasite—or parasites—attacking her face, causing facial disfigurement and producing an “oily, foul-tasting drainage” she describes as acidic, eroding her skin and teeth.

“I’m literally melting away,” Glanville stated, detailing “tiny bubbles bursting” on her face and a sensation of something “moving” beneath her skin, which she says feels like it is “shitting or having babies.”

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She’s already spent over $70,000 on medical bills, yet doctors have provided no answers.

Glanville experienced these disturbing symptoms following her Covid booster shot, a fact she shared with her followers when she noted the shot was “pretty much kicking my ass” and leaving her exhausted.

Glanville is not alone in her suffering. Across the globe, numerous individuals have reported severe health issues after receiving their Covid shots—strokes, heart attacks, autoimmune disorders, and other debilitating conditions.

Social media platforms like X are flooded with accounts of people whose lives unraveled post-vaccination, many describing feelings of being “invaded” or overwhelmed by unexplained ailments, much like Glanville’s own harrowing experience.

Influencers dropping dead

YouTubers and social media influencers played a crucial role in spreading Big Pharma’s propaganda during the pandemic, fueling the mass formation psychosis that left a large portion of the population practically hypnotized into blindly following the draconian COVID measures.

Fast forward four years, and karma is catching up with those same influencers who pocketed Big Pharma’s money and promoted the shots.

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