Rosie O’Donnell Flees America For Ireland, Vows To Stay Away Until MAGA Is Defeated

Hollywood celebrity Rosie O’Donnell has deported herself and family to Ireland, fleeing what she describes as Donald Trump’s America and vowing never to return unless the MAGA agenda is reversed.

“I was never someone who thought I would move to another country, that’s what I decided would be the best for myself and my 12-year-old child. And here we are,” she said, explaining the move took place on January 15th.

“You know, I’m happy. Clay is happy. I miss my other kids. I miss my friends. I miss many things about life there at home and I’m trying to find a home here in this beautiful country and when it is safe for all citizens to have equal rights there in America, that’s when we will consider coming back,” O’Donnell said, before her comments turned to the political state here in the U.S.

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“It’s been heartbreaking to see what’s happening politically and hard for me personally as well. The personal is political, as we all know.”

“Protect your sanity is all I can say. Protect your sanity as much as you can, and try not to swim in the chaos if possible, but I know it’s nearly impossible when you’re there in the middle of it,” O’Donnell continued in the 9-minute video.

“And I think about everyone every day and the United States of America. And I am hoping that we can turn things around, counting on you, all of you, to do what’s right. And I think deep down inside, we all know what that is.”

O’Donnell, a former co-host on The View, went viral after the Trump election victory in 2016 by demanding a “total Hollywood shutdown” to protest Trump until he agreed to stand down from office.

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