Supposedly, way back in 1969, over 55 years ago, humans built a space machine that could travel half-a-million miles, the round-trip distance from the earth to the moon and back. Once arriving at the moon, a dune buggy, that somehow fit in the tin foil makeshift “rocket ship” was offloaded, along with a remote-controlled video camera, and live footage of the whole staged phenomena was sent back to NASA on earth with ZERO sound latency. That’s not all folks. There’s more.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins ran and bounced around on the surface of the moon, kicking up dust everywhere, even though the moon does not produce dust. There were shadows from the lights pointing in all different directions. What lights? Why is the shadow from the flag pointing one way, the shadow of the astronauts pointing another, and the shadow from the spacecraft yet another direction? Is this because the Hollywood stage lights surrounded the set somewhere in Arizona or the Badlands of South Dakota, that look almost exactly like the moon’s surface?
The “first” moon landing may be biggest hoax ever perpetuated on mankind as NASA propaganda for embezzling money and controlling minds
Should July 20, 1969, be remembered for a completely different reason? Hindsight is 20/20, and technology back then was quite different. Why is it next to impossible to send humans in a spacecraft now just one-hundredth of the distance to the moon, but somehow accomplished over 5 decades ago, and never again since? Mission command, come in earth, Houston can you hear us? Can you see us? The American flag flutters in the wind on the moon, but there’s no wind there.
The deserts of the Southwest sure are places of “magnificent desolation.” Maybe it was actually “one small step for mankind, and one giant leap for our imagination.” Take a good look at the spaceship Apollo first of all. It looks like some hokey piece of junk made for some old cheesy sci-fi TV show like “Lost in Space.” The Apollo 17 looks like some kids made it for a 5th grade science fair project, but we’re supposed to believe that hunk of junk made it to the moon with 3 human beings inside, a motorized rover, camera equipment, and enough fuel to travel 500,000 miles?
Yeah, sure. Elon Musk, feel free to weigh in on this hoax any time now.
Over 20 million people are now questioning the 1969 moon landing as the internet is abuzz with common sense challenges to the logic, technology, and hypocrisy of the “mission impossible.” Videos are now surfacing of outtakes on the moon “set” where lights and light stands crash to the ground and the camera crew tells the astronauts to cut the scene and reset. How much money has NASA embezzled from U.S. taxpayers to pretend they are sending humans into the galaxy to explore?
We were lied to about 9/11, so why couldn’t we have been lied to about the moon landing in 1969? The year now is 2025, but we can’t seem to go rescue the stranded astronauts from the International Space Station just 254 miles from Earth, yet 55 years ago we had no problem traveling 238,000 miles ONE WAY to the moon with three guys, a rover, and enough rocket fuel to return home safely. Really?
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