Lawmakers in Several States to Outlaw mRNA Vaccines

Lawmakers in several states make mRNA illegal.

Lawmakers in several states across America are looking to make mRNA vaccines illegal due to the harmful side effects on humans.

A new bill introduced in the Kentucky House of Representatives in the last few weeks would ban until 1 July 2035 the administration of “any human gene therapy product for any infectious disease indication, regardless of whether the administration is termed an immunization, vaccine, or any other term.” reports: Lawmakers in Montana and Idaho have introduced similar bills, and at the county level initiatives have been introduced in Iowa, South Carolina, Texas and Washington.

In Montana, for example, House Bill 371 would ban mRNA vaccines and make their administration a misdemeanor.

The bill states the mRNA vaccines “are contaminated with DNA, metallic particles, and other unknown nanoparticles” and may shed to others or “integrate into the human genome and be passed onto the next generation.” The bill also notes that no long-term safety studies of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been completed.

Anybody who administers an mRNA vaccine in Montana would face a $500 fine and a review of their professional licence.

Senate Bill 1036 in Idaho would place a moratorium on all “human gene-therapy products,” including mRNA vaccines, until 2035.

The bill is named after Doug Cameron, a rancher who “was severely injured immediately after receiving a genetic immunization encouraged by his employer.”

According to the bill, the vaccine injury  disabled him from the waist down, and left him confined to a wheelchair.

“His experience highlights the urgent need for caution, transparency, and rigorous oversight in the deployment of these treatments,” the bill states.

Reviews into the safety of mRNA vaccines are taking place outside the US as well. Last month, the Canadian province of Alberta issued an official response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in which it stated that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should immediately be withdrawn from the market.

The Slovakian government made the same recommendation in 2024, after branding the vaccines “dangerous.”

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