14 Nations Sign WEF Treaty to Ban Natural Conception in 2030

Fourteen nations, all penetrated by the World Economic Forum, just signed a treaty to decide who gets to reproduce by 2030—their deadline to reshape humanity itself.

Fourteen nations, all penetrated by the World Economic Forum, just signed a treaty to decide who gets to reproduce by 2030—their deadline to reshape humanity itself.

This isn’t a drill—it’s the latest salvo in their war on humanity. A cabal of unelected technocrats are now making a play for the keys to your bloodline, and they’re not asking permission.

According to the WEF, humanity will be better equipped to deal with the challenges of the future if parenthood is strictly controlled, and unborn children undergo gene editing to ensure they are free of diseases and disabilities, including psychological traits which the elite disapprove of.

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Depopulation and control are the twin pillars of their agenda—fewer of us, and the rest under their thumb. We’re breaking down the who, the why, and the chilling tech already in play.

Keep listening—because what’s buried in this treaty might already have your name on it.

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Klaus Schwab has openly declared that communist China is the blueprint for the world’s future. And now, the global elite are executing their plan, cherry-picking the most dystopian pages from the Chinese playbook.

Take the one-child policy—brutal, restrictive, state-enforced control over life itself. But here in the West, they’re not stopping there.

They’re laying the foundation for something even darker: a suffocating grip on parents, dictating how we raise our kids, down to the finest detail. This isn’t just influence—it’s domination, and it’s already in motion.

The puppet masters—the shadowy cabal at the World Economic Forum, the UN, and beyond—aren’t stopping at forcing untested mRNA shots into our veins, rewriting our DNA like some mad science experiment. No, their sights are set higher. They want to hijack the genes of our unborn, to play god with the next generation.

And their weapon of choice? Artificial wombs.

Picture it: babies engineered in sterile labs, grown in soulless machines, ripped from the natural bond of mother and child. It’s not just a theory—it’s a Frankenstein nightmare they’re already cooking up, a crime against humanity disguised as progress.

Given the WEF’s track record—some might even say Satanic agenda—you’d think they’d start smaller. Maybe try bringing a horned goat to life first. But no, they’re going straight for human babies. And they’re closer than you think.

Thanks to a recent breakthrough, growing humans from scratch in a lab could be reality inside five years.

Now, let’s zoom in on the science—or should I say, the mad science. WEF-funded researchers led by Professor Katsuhiko Hayashi at Kyushu University, are on the verge of creating human eggs and sperm entirely in a lab.

No need for natural reproduction—just a petri dish and a playbook. Hayashi’s already cracked the code with mice, and he’s confident they’ll replicate it in humans by 2030. If that doesn’t sound like playing God, I don’t know what does.

So, who’s bankrolling this? The WEF, of course—the same folks obsessed with control, from your energy use, to your movement, to your thoughts. And now they’re coming after your future kids.

Makes you wonder: what’s their idea of the “perfect” gene-edited human? Docile? Compliant? A generation that doesn’t question their authority?

This isn’t a hypothetical. Look at Mark Carney. The former central banker and globalist lackey appointed prime minister of Canada without an election has been promoting the idea of “a market for the right to have children.”

That’s right. Auctions. Where you need a license to apply for the right to have children. What if these unelected elites decided you’re not “worthy” to reproduce? Too outspoken, too traditional, too conservative—sorry, no family for you. They’d tie it to their ideology, maybe even a social credit score.

Don’t fit their agenda? Your bloodline ends with you.

This isn’t science fiction, folks—it’s the path they are already paving. The same elites preaching “sustainability” while flying private jets and living in luxury never volunteer to step aside themselves.

They talk population reduction but won’t reduce their own footprint.

Hypocrisy much? It’s not about saving the planet—it’s about controlling humanity. To them, we’re just numbers. Obstacles. Problems to be managed. An invasive species to be culled by poisoning our air, water, and soil, and controlling our right to reproduction.

Given who is funding this project, it is worth asking: what do the global elite think the perfect gene-edited human specimen of the future looks like?

The global elite have admitted in their manifestos that their intention is to deprive us of everything, force us to consume insects as food, live in open air prisons, and be desensitized by virtual reality devices and pharmaceutical drugs.

In this future, the global state will own everything. They will even own our bloodlines.

Most disturbing of all, the implementation of this plan is already underway.

If you’re still wondering what’s driving this twisted vision, let’s talk about Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man, Yuval Noah Harari—nicknamed “the Prophet” by the Luciferians in the Davos crowd.

Harari’s manifesto, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, lays it out plain as day. He’s dropped chilling hints about a “genetic child catalogue”—a blueprint for gene-editing future generations into compliant drones.

We apologize for the unpleasant robotic voice reading Harari’s text… but it kinda fits his soulless, godless vision for humanity.

Yuval Noah Harari just can’t help himself dropping chilling hints about depopulation: out of the billions crawling across this planet right now, only a privileged handful will make it through what’s coming—what he calls the ‘great depopulation.’

Exaggeration? Hardly. This is their endgame, folks.

They’re not subtle about it anymore. The plan is totalitarian domination—absolute control over every breath you take, every thought you dare to think.

They want us rewired, genetically shackled, stripped of any ability to fight back. How do they pull it off? Eugenics is back, dressed up in shiny new tech, and Harari’s practically giddy about it.

For years he’s been out there crowing that God is dead and Jesus is fake news—and who’s stepping into those divine shoes? The World Economic Forum and the global elite, of course. They’re playing creator and destroyer, wielding powers they’ve got no right to touch.

And the mainstream media? Crickets. They’re either too scared or too complicit to call out this sinister agenda.

While the press runs interference, these techno-communist lunatics are free to chip away at everything we hold dear. National sovereignty? Gone. Individual freedom? Obliterated.

This isn’t just control—it’s serfdom rebooted for the digital age. Welcome to version 2.0, where the elite don’t just own your labor—they own your soul.

At this hour, it is not hyperbole to say that our most basic freedoms, and the freedom of future generations, depend on how we respond to the ongoing threat of this globalist coup that went into overdrive when they unleashed the plandemic.

These shadowy elites have been working quietly behind the scenes for decades, but in recent years we have exposed them to the light. And we are slowly but surely winning the fight. More and more people are waking up to their agenda.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel on Rumble and join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team and gain access to exclusive and uncensored content. I hope to see you there.


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